Monday, August 30, 2010

Scallion Blockade, Sold

6x6 oil on Raymar canvas panel

I finished working today, and got back into the studio today. No, I didn't paint this one. The one I painted today I wiped. I'll probably wipe a couple tomorrow too. It takes a while to get back to speed after not painting for a couple of weeks.
Today, driving home from New Orleans across the causeway, I watched a waterspout. I saw it starting to form when I started across, and at about 7 miles passed it fully formed and very impressive, just about half a mile (or less maybe, it's hard to judge distance over water) from the causeway. If I had had a camera with me I would have taken some photos. It was quite an experience. So with work, waterspout, painting and wiping it was a full day.


eLIZabeth Floyd said...

nice strong composition! I also like how the majority of the painting is warm except for the cool greens of the scallions.

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

This painting has terrific colors, it's so appetizing, it makes you want to get in the kitchen and cook!
Sounds like you had a busy day, wishing you success in painting tomorrow:)

Linda Popple said...

Great composition and the colors are perfect.

Looking forward to seeing your new paintings!

Becky Joy said...

Another wonderful rich tomato. Like the composition and of course, the colors.

Karen Bruson said...

Great color and composition. Very strong!

Unknown said...

Another strong painting. Love your tomatoes.

Gwen Bell said...

Love that gold with the bright red tomato! Strong composition too.

I thought about you yesterday when I tried (and failed) to paint some tomatoes. You really have it down! Yours always look so juicy and ripe.

Dusty Pines said...

what a fun painting - your bright colors are so invigorating - and just perfect composition - thank you!

it's good for me as a beginner to know that experienced artists have times when they 'wipe' paintings - in a way, my beginner status - and determination to post everything as a learning experience - is really pretty freeing - tho pretty scary too!

and hey that waterspout experience is so cool - what an amazing thing to see!