Thursday, August 6, 2009

My studio has begun!

I arrived home to find the beginings of my new studio. The part in front (where the saw horses are) will be a porch. The blue tarp is covering the subfloor. It's raised enough so that only a bad storm surge will flood it.
I'm pretty tired from my trip to Houston and Austin, but it was worth it. I got to see my new gallery and meet the partners. I'm impressed with the quality of the work there and excited to be a part of it.
Needless to say, Carol's show was magnificent. I'd looked at it on line, and though the quality of the photography is excellent, you can't really appreciate the brushwork until you see it in person. I stand in awe of her ability as a painter.
We had a great visit. Laughed and talked about everything under the sun (but mostly painting and studio building). Her son, Jacob, is a doll. Full of energy, bright and curious about everything. He said "I wov your new purse, can I see what's in it?" I told him that he could look inside, but he couldn't take anything out, and though he was dying to empty it out on the floor, he valiantly restrained himself and only looked.
I'd hoped to get in a painting today, but my arms are like spaghetti, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.


Karen Rike said...

That is GREAT! I know you have been waiting a long time for this studio. How long do you think it will be before you can move your easel out of the doorway?

Carolyn Finnell said...

Karen, you have no idea how good it feels to see it finally start. I expect my skilled and dedicated carpenters to finish their part of the job in about 2 weeks. But.... then I get to work on it putting in insulation and sheetrock and other finishing sort of stuff. that will probably take a lot longer.

Sharon Hodges said...

Hi, Carolyn...Sharon Hodges here, we met at Carol M's workshop in TX..I am part of the Dallas group...just recently starting blogging, so wanted to check in on you...WOW..your paintings are wonderful as I expected, and I am so happy for you on the Studio construction...You must be THRILLED. Congratulations! Take a look at my blog when you get a moment. I'll be following you!