Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I did this for the DP Challenge. There is something about painting in monochrome that really appeals to me. Maybe it's the focus on value or maybe it just takes me back to the days with I did fashion illustration. Almost always for newspaper black and white ads. Monochrome reduces it the to essence.

6x8 oil on Raymar canvas panel  


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

One of my favorites of the challenge. I just love your brushwork.

Julie Simpson Hackett said...

Great job on Lincoln, he looks human, and your brushwork is excellent... Julie Hachett

Dean H. said...

Very painterly, Carolyn! I, too, enjoyed painting in black and white.

Virginia Floyd said...

Excellent likeness is so few strokes! Good job!

Stephanie Berry said...

This is a great portrait. Love the way you did it.